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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wisdom #3

Psalm 97:10
Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserve the souls of his saints; he delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.

Sometimes I sat by myself, questioning if it was really significant to try to live spotless, Christian life. Some thought maybe I became old-fashioned and formal or I am crazy.  I wouldn’t go out now to have drinks with old friends, hated smoking, and had no wish to engage in sex joint or bars. I didn’t like going to parties with my old friends just for drinking spree, but I must admit I hated to be alone sometimes. When I was a new Christian, every once in a while, I felt like just giving in and doing what all my peers are doing. Those feelings passed, though, and I felt a special peace and relieve in refusing to give in. Being different is hard. To say not to wrong-doing and evil can be agonizingly difficult. Yet, out God calls us to be different, to stand apart from the crowd. No compromise for evil and to live beyond the daily grind. If we will continue to say no to evil, while saying yes to God, He will save and reinforce us. We are never truly alone if we will only love the Lord. God, I want to do what is right, but sometimes to wrong is very tempting and appealing. Please grant me the power to oppose and hold onto what I know is true. Amen


Anonymous said...

Do Whatever you think is right and best for you... So long you do nto harm others. and that you think it is good for you.

Laguna Snob said...

Thank you for your comment.

Laguna Snob said...

Thank you for your comment.